I Wonder if anyone can help, I'm trying to embed Axis2 into an existing
web-app running on Tomcat 5.5 in order to server web-services from the app.
I've done everything I can think of to do based on reading around the
subject on various web-pages but whenever I try to hit any of the services
I've deployed, the client program I'm using (soapUI 3.0.1) reports a
connection refused error.  My web-app is setup as follows -

-- classes
-- -- TransactionTypesWs
-- -- -- TransactionTypes.class
-- conf
-- -- axis2.xml
-- lib
-- modules
-- services
-- -- TransactionTypes
-- -- -- META-INF
-- -- -- -- services.xml

The axis2.xml file in conf is that version included in the Axis2 bin
download, as are all the modules in the modules directory.  The lib
directory contains all the jar files distributed with Axis2 and Axiom.  The
services.xml in /service/TransactionType/META-INF reads as follows -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<service name="TransactionTypes">
  <description>Lists the transaction type ids of any transactions submitted
to the system in a specified date rage.</description>
  <operation name="getTransactionTypes">

And refers to the class file included in the classes/TransactionTypesWs
directory.  I'm sure I previously had this service successfully embedded
using Axis2 but now I come to redeploy it I'm constantly hitting problems
that I can't seem to get past.  Can anyone help or at least recommend a
good, in depth tutorial on embedding Axis2?  I'd be very grateful, thanks.

Chris Mannion
iCasework and LocalAlert implementation team
0208 144 4416

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