
I have a problem when I use *RPCServiceClient* to call my java web service
(POJO). I created my service from my java class using Eclipse Axis2 Wizards
plugins. My service reads some data from database and we are using Hibernate
in our code as well.

The problem is when I first call the service running my client (written in
java using RPCServiceClient object to call the service) from Eclipse, it
returns a result and completes all the logs successfully. However, when I
call the same service 2nd time, I do not get any result but the logs are all
completed successfully. It means that my service method completes all the
steps that I can trace from the logs but does not return a result! Is it
a RPCServiceClient problem? Since, If I use soapUI, I called the service
many times one after another but it all runs great without any problem and
all of them returns a result. I also used the browser to call my service
methods several times and the result is same as with the soapUI. My client
code is as below:

try {
 RPCServiceClient serviceClient = new RPCServiceClient();
                        Options optionsA = serviceClient.getOptions();

EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference(myServiceAddress);

QName opSertIslemleri = new QName(myNamespace,myServiceMethod);
 Object[] opSetSertIslemleriArgs = new Object[] { paramValue};
 Class[] returnTypes = new Class[] { String.class };
 Object[] response = serviceClient.invokeBlocking(opSertIslemleri,
opSetSertIslemleriArgs, returnTypes);
 String result = (String) response[0];

if (result == null) {
System.out.println("client response NULL geliyor!");
} else {
System.out.println("The result is:" + result);
 } catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Exception yakalandi:" + ex.getMessage());

Is there a better way to call my service? Also, does anybody know how soapUI
constructs a service client ? I would prefer to use their client code since
it is working perfectly on my service..

I really appreciate any help or suggestions. Thank you so much.

-- fatih

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