I'm just starting in with J2EE, and I'm working on an application where
it is desired that all EJB methods be available via SOAP as well.
I have two environments to worry about:

1) Our developer environment uses JBoss-Jetty, and I would like to use
Axis for the SOAP support.
2) Our QA environment will mix and match various J2EE servers and SOAP

So far, I've been successful at identifying which parts of EJB are
(supposed to be) common to all servers (e.g. ejb-jar.xml) and which are
server-specific.  I'd like to learn the same for SOAP.

The Axis docs cover the case where you move the webapps/axis directory
contents into some deployment directory in the server.  As far as I can
tell, JBoss has a single directory ($JBOSS_DIST/deploy), but it only
likes JAR, WAR, or EAR files in there.  I successfully ran the Axis
examples by creating an axis.war file from the contents of webapps/axis
and putting it into $JBOSS_DIST/deploy.  I was able to deploy all of the
sample deploy.wsdd files, and to run the stock.GetQuote() test.

In such a WAR environment, is it intended that axis.jar and the other
things in WEB-INF/lib be present in every WAR file that is built ?  Or,
is it intended that whoever runs the server make the Axis JARs available
in a global way (for JBoss this would be $JBOSS_DIST/lib/ext), and if
that is done can they be eliminated from the WAR ?  Is the intention
that every SOAP server-side class be part of a single huge Axis WAR, or
that they be broken up as is the case with EARs ?

Also, in the samples given, could you tell me which files are "vanilla"
SOAP requirements and which are Axis-specific ?  Ideally, I'd like to
keep the code and the WARs in such a way that they would be usable with
any SOAP server-side support.  Is this possible ?  I'm thinking
specifically of web.xml; is there some way to code this to get "the"
SOAP service installed in the servlet container, without knowing what it
is ?

Frank Griffin

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