The encoding framework has changed substantially.  The code has been split
into interfaces and classes (classes end with Impl).  The actual
serializers and deserializers are now under org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.
It appears that you have an old ArraySerializer class in your tree ?

You may want to do a clean checkout.

Rich Scheuerle
XML & Web Services Development
512-838-5115  (IBM TL 678-5115)

                      David Hainlin                                                    
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       axis-user 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                     
                      om>                      cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  Having compile problems       
                      02/15/2002 02:31                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                

I cannot get the nightly drops to build. It appears to be a problem with
org.apache.axis.encoding interfaces which used to be classes. I can build
alpha-3 with no issues.  I modified the from extends
Deserializer to implements Deserializer and it compiled just fine.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.
BTW, this is a very interesting piece of software... hats off to the dev

snippit from the attempted build...

     [echo] --- Build environment for Axis ---
     [echo] --- Flags (Note: If the {property name} is displayed,
     [echo]            then the component is not present)
     [echo] === Required Libraries ===
     [echo] wsdl4j.present=true
     [echo] log4j.present=true
     [echo] clutil.present=true
     [echo] bcel.present=true
     [echo] --- Optional Libraries ---
     [echo] servlet.present=true
     [echo] junit.present=true
     [echo] activation.present=${activation.present}
     [echo] mailapi.present=${mailapi.present}
     [echo] attachments.present=${attachments.present}
     [echo] security.present=${security.present}
     [echo] --- Property values ---
     [echo] debug=on
     [echo] deprecation=true

    [javac] Compiling 404 source files to C:
    [javac] C:
no interface expected here
    [javac]     static class Base64Deser extends Deserializer {
    [javac]                                     ^

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