Here's an idea. 1) Take your interface/implementation class and run it through Java2WSDL to create a wsdl file. 2) Take the wsdl file and run WSDL2Java to generate the client and server side stubs/skeletons. 3) Study the stubs and skeletons...
A couple of things that I do know: a) The Axis runtime wraps primitives during the serialization and deserialization process. The conversion stubs and deserialization runtime convert from the wrapped obects into the primitives if necessary. b) The Axis runtime support for overloading is in it infancy. If you are depending on int or Integer to determine overloaded resolution you may run into problems. Hope this help. You may want to also look at the samples.echo.TestClient code "echoInteger" invoke. Rich Scheuerle XML & Web Services Development 512-838-5115 (IBM TL 678-5115) Frank Griffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: axis-user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> cc: Sent by: Subject: SOAP and Java Reference Classes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/15/2002 09:23 AM Please respond to axis-user Could someone tell me how Axis and SOAP deal with Java primitives and the associated Reference Types ? In other words, if I have two server-side methods, one of which takes a Long parameter and returns a Long result, and the other of which takes a long parameter and returns a long result, does the SOAP client see any difference or does it only support the primitive and is Axis quietly converting the parameters and returns from my methods ? I'm trying to code a server-side SOAP class which can be used to invoke methods on arbitrary EJBs, by exposing to SOAP clients a single invoke() method, very much like Proxy/InvocationHandler. This means that the parameters and returns for this method will be Objects, regardless of whether the associated parameters/returns for the EJB in question are primitives. If the SOAP client has no knowledge of Java Reference classes and deals only in primitives, then is it the responsibility of a Java server-side implementation to convert his primitive references to reference objects (and vice-versa) as needed ? What I'm trying to determine is whether I can get away with telling SOAP clients to use the same call signatures documented in the API Javadoc for the EJB, even though my invoke() method will be dealing with reference objects in place of primitives. Java Proxy and Method.invoke() will handle this OK, but I don't know what Axis will do with the Objects I expect as parameters or return as returns. TIA, Frank