
If you would like to send me a patch to set the service stanza name, I
would be happy to commit it.

Please make the options named "serviceStanzaName" with the one letter
option as "S", and
"portTypeName" with the one letter option as "P".  (Please make sure the
help messages, etc.
are changed.)

The defaults for these options should be the current calculated names.


Rich Scheuerle
XML & Web Services Development
512-838-5115  (IBM TL 678-5115)

                      Thomas Börkel                                                    
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           To:       "Axis Mailinglist" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           
                      02/14/2002 08:26         Subject:  Follow-Up to the email 
discussion about portType name vs. service name  
                      Please respond to                                                


I had an email discussion a few days ago with some of the Axis developers
about the fact that I cannot set the service name to the same as the
portType name.

And because I cannot choose the portType name (Axis always sets it to the
class name), I can never set the service name to the class name, as I'd
like to.

I have already described, that this is bad if the client is .NET, because
.NET does only take in account the service name when it generates a proxy
class for that service. So we cannot have a proxy class with the same name
as the Java class on the server side, which is pretty annoying
(inconsistency in our product, where Java is the server and .NET is the

Is there anything you can do about this? I suggested to make the portType
name freely configurable. That would be OK in our case, because the class
name comes from the transport anyway.

It would be very unpleasant if I had to compile a special (patched) Axis
version for us because of this.



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