Could you send me the wsld generated from the classes and the wsdl
generated from ?wsdl.

Are you using the latest axis code?

Also send me your deploy.wsdd file and the java class that implements the

Rich Scheuerle
XML & Web Services Development
512-838-5115  (IBM TL 678-5115)

                      Di Maio Guido                                                    
                      <Guido.DiMaio@TIL        To:       "Axis User List (E-mail)" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      
                      AB.COM>                  cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  wsdl2java and ComplexType 
from ?wsdl URL                                  
                      02/28/2002 02:46                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                

Hi there,

I've a question for you.
I'm fighting with wsdl and complex type.
Once I succesfully deploy a service I can get the wsdl description
direcly from the URL:
http://localhost:<port>/axis/services/<service_name>?wsdl . That's fine,
I can get the wsdl descripton.
Since the service makes use of java beans as i/o params, The problem is
that there is no description of complexe types.

Instead if I generate the wsdl from classes, the complexe type
description is present.
the question is:

How can I get the complex type description even from URL ?

thanks a lot.
Guido Di Maio.

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