Egger, I don't understand your question. I have done quite a bit of work in the array deserializer and bean deserializer.
Please send me your wsdl and detailed problem and I can address it. Thanks for supporting Axis! Rich Scheuerle XML & Web Services Development 512-838-5115 (IBM TL 678-5115) Egger Oliver <oliver.egger@eco To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc: Subject: Deserialization of array bean objects not in beginning of array 03/06/2002 09:11 AM Please respond to axis-user Hello, I had problems with bean deserialization, my wsdl file contains arrays of beans in beans. during deserialization I did not take notice that the beans will not be filled in from the beginning in the array, so if you are just expecting one object in the array you have to search the whole array ... Is this behaviour intentional? best, Oliver NEU: NZZ finfox, personal finance, die finanz- und vermögensplanung für private ECOFIN Research and Consulting AG Neumuensterallee 6 CH-8032 Zuerich +41 1 389 65 29 [EMAIL PROTECTED] <>