The problem is not yours.  The user's manual wasn't cleaned up before the
beta candidate, but I worked on it this weekend.  The latest drop - AND the
real beta, when it comes out - has example5 (and others) fixed.

Russell Butek

robert woodley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/11/2002 05:02:15 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:    example 5

Note that the notorious Example 5 still doesn't work
in the beta-release candidate. To make it work, you
need to declare the return type by inserting this

call.setReturnType( XMLType.XSD_STRING);

I guess the examples are not tested prior to release,
or maybe I've done something wrong (always possible).
But they are quite valuable given the sparse
documentation, so it would be worth testing them prior
to building a package. If the problem is mine, then
pls excuse my admonition.

Bob Woodley

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