We now have a new beta release candidate: http://xml.apache.org/axis/dist/beta1-rc2/.
The documentation/samples have been updated/fixed, and a number of bugs have been fixed. Please play with this release candidate and report to axis-dev any problems you think are show-stoppers. There are a number of items that we have in our MUST-DO list that must be addressed before we release the actual beta. For an up-to-date listing of these, look in CVS at xml-axis/java/TODO.txt. As of now this list is: MUST DO FOR BETA1 ----------------- ! <Doug> Doug's issue 1: Attachments are broken ! <Russell> Published interfaces must be vetted. ! <?> getParameterName() should return a QName ! <?> Taras' fix to MessageElement (getValue-like method). One question for axis-dev folks (Doug? Rick?): I see the attachments classes aren't in the rc2 axis.jar. How do I keep them from being excluded? My CLASSPATH for the build is: xerces 2 xercesImpl.jar, junit 3.7 junit.jar, tomcat 4.0.3 servlet.jar. What else do I need? Russell Butek [EMAIL PROTECTED]