Yes I do.  Everything seems to work fine.  I am able to send data handlers
(attachments) to the server just fine from the client.  But I can't return a
data handler (attachment) from the server. I can return anything else


Do you have activation.jar in the classpath too?

-----Original Message-----
From: Gail Coates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Attachment Example

I have been trying to run the Attachment Example.  

First I was getting the Error reading data stream:  Error in MIME data
stream, start boundary not found, I added the mail.jar to my classpath on
the server and that seemed to fix that.  

I have the mail.jar on my classpath on the client, without that I receive a
null pointer exception.  
I am now receiving: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: required character (found
"l") (expected "<") 

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