The good news is that it's very easy to develop stateful web services
(hooray!).  But...
1.  If you write your client 'by hand' you must include this statement in
2.  If you generate a wsdl file and stubs, you must edit one of the stubs to
include this statement:
For more details on item 2, see the thread by Jaroslaw Balut 3/20/02 ("Re:
How to do Stateful SOAP servers?")
In both cases, you need this line in the deployment descriptor:
     <parameter name="scope" value="session"/>

My (minor) complaint is that items 1 and 2 should be unnecessary.  It should
be sufficient to put the "<parameter..." line in the deployment descriptor,
and be done with it.  I hope this complaint is not taken negatively.  You
guys are doing a terrific job on Axis, and I am most grateful.  Keep up the
good work!  :)

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