Yes, there is an effort to bring these two together. The problem is that the JAX-RPC spec is still a moving target (though it's supposed to sit down for a rest any day now). In this particular case, AXIS's jaxrpc.jar is ahead of Sun's jaxrpc-api.jar. PARAM_MODE_IN was in JAX-RPC version 0.7. JAX-RPC version 0.8 changed this to IN. AXIS currently supports version 0.8. Of course now there's a 0.9 version out, so we're STILL behind!
Russell Butek [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Pat Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/23/2002 02:37:15 PM Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: jaxrpc-api.jar / axis jaxrpc.jar and javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN I have stumbled across an issue that I was wondering if the list was aware of. I have been playing with Suns jwsdp ea2 which has a jaxrpc-api.jar which has a definition of that is different then the one used in Axis. The one from Axis looks like: public class ParameterMode { public static final ParameterMode IN = new ParameterMode("IN"); the one from Suns jaxrpc looks like: public class ParameterMode { public static final ParameterMode PARAM_MODE_IN = new ParameterMode("PARAM_MODE_IN"); I realize that building Axis builds a jaxrpc.jar ( although it was not clear to me that I actually needed that one given the Sun jars ). Is there an effort to bring these two together? Thanks Pat