1.  The NAME of the prefix doesn't matter, as long as the namespace is the
2.  I don't know what to say about this one.  I haven't played with it.
Anyone else want to answer?

Russell Butek

"ajack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/28/2002 09:16:49 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:    Two things with AXIS beta 2 rc1...

I installed beta 2 rc1 to replace beta 1 and I found two things, no doubt
intended [and quite possibly in release notes, I just tried running], but
disconcerting never the less:
1) In the produced WSDL: soap:body -> wsdlsoap:body  and such.
Is WSDL changing so much that this can be changed? Gosh, scary for
interoperability. Are you backwards compatible? Is this a different version
of WSDL or something?
I already have an interoperability issue with my .Net clients (they barfed
on trying to read the last WSDL constructed) does this change make AXIS
consistent or less?
2) In the produced WSDL my protected methods are exposed...
... but they are part of my internal implementation, I don't want them
exposed. Am I wrong in thinking they can't be called be the AXIS server so
shouldn't be show?
I've just started looking, forgive me if these are well intended changes,
they just strike me as odd...

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