I'm currently looking at JAXR as a UDDI API - I'll let you know if it's
any good.

Paul Hunnisett

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 14:33, Brenda Bell wrote:
> This is somewhat related to Paul's question about UDDI, but I'm hoping
> someone will point me in the right direction to solve my problem.
> I have been searching everywhere for toolkits and API's that will let me do
> UDDI queries and parse WSDL files into an object model.
> For a while, I was using the MS toolkits because we were doing our
> investigation on a Windows platform.  The UDDI piece was OK and the WSDL
> piece was OK as long as you weren't reading WSDL's discovered via UDDI (no
> <services> element).
> We're now interesting in doing some Java-based work and I'm looking for
> replacement toolkits.  IBM's WSTK does the trick but is not a licensable
> product.  I just learned about Axis and was wondering if it would solve my
> problem.  Obviously, the answer to Paul's question means I'm out of luck wrt
> UDDI, but I'd like to know if Axis has something like a WSDLReader that will
> parse a WSDL file and let me programmatically get information about
> operations and messages?
> Has anyone else had a similar problem?  Any and all information would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Brenda Bell
> Sr. Software Architect
> Juice Software, Inc.
> Phone: 603.428.3994
> Cell:  603.494.8206
> Fax:   603.428.8713
> MSN Messenger:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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