i've used the "attachment" sample from IBM's Webservice site.

its different from the "echoattachment" sample, but it seems to be a good
SOAP/RPC implementation for attaching files and getting them to the server.
And it's WSDL describes the attachement parts (see below)

Im trying to use it to prototype an ad-hoc data interface that uses
SOAP/AXIS instead of SFTP or SSH. My problem is how to attach an array of
files rather than a fixed number - im thinking of creating a JAR on the
client and sending it to the server.

My other problem is how to get a "MessageContext" or a "ServletContext" out
of the RPC on the server. RPC seems to call into a method without passing
any useful references. I need the context in order to control the file
system and the path where i write the files to on  the server.

I had to make minor code changes to the client and server sides in order to
alter the existing sample so that it would move 3 of my files from the
client to the server. Snips of my code are at the very bottom of this post.

The WSDL for the IBM "attachment" sample does describe the input/ output

For example see "porttype" element below from file

- <element name="attachments">
- <complexType>
- <sequence>
  <element name="content" type="types:contentType" />
- <message name="RPCRequest">
  <part name="listTitle" type="xsd:string" />
  <part name="fileList" type="types:ArrayOfString" />
  <part name="classFile" type="types:ArrayOfBinary" />
  <part name="imageFile" type="types:ArrayOfBinary" />
  <part name="htmlFile" type="xsd:string" />
- <message name="RPCResponse">
  <part name="list" type="xsd:string" />
- <message name="MessageRequest">
  <part element="types:listAttachments" name="listRequest" />
  <part name="classFile" type="xsd:ArrayOfBinary" />
  <part name="imageFile" type="xsd:ArrayOfBinary" />
  <part name="htmlFile" type="xsd:string" />

- <portType name="RPCAttachmentService">
- <operation name="listAttachments">
  <input message="tns:RPCRequest" />
  <output message="tns:RPCResponse" />

* * * my code change to client file "servicebindingexample.java"

  public static void bind(String wsdlURL, Call call) throws Exception {
    if (WSTKConstants.WSTK_DEBUG)
      System.out.println( "WSDL URL: " + wsdlURL );

    if ( wsdlURL == null ) wsdlURL = wsdlSvcImplURL ;

//rcr  change 1 line below   String[] fileList= {"demo.class", "demo.jpg",
    String[] fileList= {"scnjava2.txt", "tm0104a.txt", "tm0116b.txt"};

* * * my code change to server file "attachmentservice.java"

  protected String listAttachments( String listTitle,
                String[] fileList,
                Object[] parts,  // this is the attachment object containing 3 files


    for(int i=0; i< parts.length; ++i)
        DataHandler datahandler= null;
        Part part= null;
        if( parts[i] instanceof Part){
          part= (Part) parts[i];
// line below gets reference to the attachment ie. each of the 3 files
          datahandler= AttachmentUtils.getActiviationDataHandler(part);
        else datahandler= (DataHandler) parts[i];

// my changes for writing files on the server with same names as they had on
        FileOutputStream fMOut = new FileOutputStream(
          (new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"),fileList[i])));
        int c;
        BufferedInputStream in = new
        while((c=in.read()) != -1) {

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