Hi Jean, There is nothing wrong with using the wsdl prefix as long as it is declared with the namespace http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/ (ie xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" must appear in the definitions element) It looks like XML Spy abd SOAP:Net are expecting wsdl to be the default namespace. Have you tried viewing it in CapeClear's WSDL editor?
Regards, Eamonn -----Original Message----- From: Jean-Marc Taillant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 30 May 2002 02:41 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: AXIS BUG ? Hi all, I found several bugs in server sid generated WSDL ( invoked with the ?wsdl option in the URL...). I made tests with several tools ( XML spy ( soap debugger plug-in & SOAP:Net from www.soaptoolset.com) and i find this: AXIS generate WSDL with "<wsdl:" namespace before almost element: This syntax is not understanded by XML spy and SOAP:Net SOAP:Net need name attribute in "definitions" element. I found that AXIS does not include this attribute in WSDL. The AXIS version used is the last nightly build from 28/05/2002 Somewhere else, i try .Net wsdl.exe tool to generate client C# proxy and all is Ok for MS. I think it a problem because AXIS need to be compliant with client side toolkit. I know that there can be a xml spy & SOAP:Net problem ( i send email to them) but there is no cost to include "name" attribute for example. Regards, Jean Marc PS: I send this mail to axis-dev because this mail come after a large number of mail with no response.