Jill Heck wrote:

>this looks very much like what i had to put together. one thing, in your
>wsdd file, make sure you add a style to the service tag:
><service name="MyService" provider="java:MSG" style="document">
>that way, when axis renders the wsdl, you don't get an RPC description.
Ah -- ok. I was wondering about that.

>the other thing we encountered was dealing with the AxisFault so we could
>pass the exception back to the client properly - as an xml document. you can
>either put it into an AxisFault and return the details or create your own
>xml return document

Thanks for the feedback.

Murray Spork
Centre for Information Technology Innovation (CITI)
The Redcone Project
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Phone: +61-7-3864-9488
Web: http://redcone.gbst.com/

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