I'm wondering if the wsdl2java has a bug or I'm doing something wrong.

I have the following within my WSDL file:

. . .
        <xsd0:element name="Participant">
ref="xsd1:ParticipantLifeEvent" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                        <xsd0:attribute name="transaction"
type="xsd0:string" use="optional"/>
. . . 

When I run wsdl2java, the bean which gets generated looks like the

public class Participant implements java.io.Serializable 
        . . .  
    private com.fmr.fesco.hw.axis.ParticipantLifeEvent participantLifeEvent;


I would have expected to see the variable participantLifeEvent defined as
some type of Vector since it is unbounded in the WSDL? A Participant can
have multiple ParticipantLifeEvents. 
 Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Ed Tolsch

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