Title: Java2WSDL Problem

I have found the following problem using Java2WSDL utility.
It seems that the utility doesnt generate correct WSDL for the TestInterface interface:  the WSDL part for the 2°nd superInterface (002) is missing, and only the first superinterface method is generated .

Here the code I used for testing.

package test.test001;
public interface SuperInterface001 {
        public MyClassContainer   superMethod001 ( MyClassContainer cc ) ;
package test.test001;
public interface SuperInterface002  {
        public MyClassContainer   superMethod002  ( MyClassContainer cc ) ;
package test.test001;
public interface TestInterface extends SuperInterface001 , SuperInterface002 {
        public MyClassContainer   methodBase ( MyClassContainer cc ) ;

Note that, I don't want to modify the relationship of the interfaces, for example creating a unique interface with all methods.....

Thanks in advance.

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