Hi! Look at the User's Guide on Axis' website. There is a section about messaging (sending XML documents). And in samples/messaging directory of your Axis install you have an example of the first method type Axis supports.
I also tried making it work with org.w3c.dom.document and I didn't succeed. I also posted a question to this list, but unfortunately no response yet.. Best regards, Kovi At 16:14 18.9.2002 +0600, you wrote: >Hi All , > >We are trying to create a "document-style" web sevice.Our sample interface >looks like this. > >package samples.echo; > >public interface InteropTestDocType extends java.rmi.Remote { > > public org.w3c.dom.Document echoDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document >stringDocument) throws java.rmi.RemoteException; > >} > >The echoDocument method just return the passed parameters.The purpose is to >pass different xml request envelopes and see whether they are echoing >properly. > >We generated the wsdl file by giving following command. > >java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o InteropTestDoc.wsdl >-l"http://localhost:8080/axis/services/InteropTestDocType" -n >"http://soapinterop.org/" -p"samples.echo" "http://soapinterop.org/" >samples.echo.InteropTestDocType > >It throws following exception. > >- The class org.w3c.dom.Document does not contain a default constructor, >which is a requirement for a bean class. The class cannot be converted into >an xml schema type. An xml schema anyType will be used to define this class >in the wsdl file. > >And the same time the wsdl file is generated. So we used the generated wsdl >file to have the skeleton classes. > >java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -o . -d Session -s -S true >-Nhttp://soapinterop.org/ samples.echo -y DOCUMENT InteropTestDoc.wsdl > >But we got the following error. > >java.io.IOException: Type {http://dom.w3c.org}Document is referenced but not >defined. > at >org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.checkForUndefined(SymbolTable.j >ava:461) > at >org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.add(SymbolTable.java:377) > at >org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populate(SymbolTable.java:364) > at >org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populate(SymbolTable.java:350 > > >Does any body have idea on this ? > > >Thanks in advance >Manjula