Hi All,
I am still facing this problem?
Can anyone of you help me out with this issue?
Shankar Shanmugam
-----Original Message-----
From: Shankar S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 11:32 AM
Cc: Sudhakar S; Anantha Padmanabhan Vedachalam
Subject: Problem in installing Apache Axis on iAS 6.5

This is Shankar from chennai (India).
I used Apache SOAP for couple of days and I came to know that it has some issues like inter-operability, etc.
So, I decided to go for Apache Axis. But, I couldn't find a installation notes for iAS 6.5.
So, I created a .war with the content of webapps/axis and deployed the .war file in iAS.
When I click Administrator Axis (http://sol2.immchen.com:8001/NASApp/axis/happyaxis.jsp), I get HTTP 404 Error
When I click View (http://sol2.immchen.com:8001/NASApp/axis/servlet/AxisServlet), I get a a blank screen.
When I click validate (http://sol2.immchen.com:8001/NASApp/axis/happyaxis.jsp), I get this content ....

Examining webapp configuration

Needed Components

Found SAAJ API (javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage)
Found JAX-RPC API (javax.xml.rpc.Service)
Found Apache-Axis (org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet)
Found Jakarta-commons logging (org.apache.commons.logging.Log)
Found IBM's WSDL4Java (com.ibm.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactoryImpl)
Found JAXP implementation (javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory) at /sunone/xerces-1_4_4/xerces.jar
Found Activation API (javax.activation.DataHandler) at /sunone/ias/ias/classes/java/activation.jar

Optional Components

Found Mail API (javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage) at /sunone/ias/ias/classes/java/mail.jar

Warning: could not find class org.apache.xml.security.Init from file xmlsec.jar
Attachments will not work

Warning: could not find resource server-config.wsdd
There is no a server configuration file;run AdminClient to create oneThe core axis libraries are present. 1 optional axis library is missing

Note: On Tomcat 4.x, you may need to put libraries that contain java.* or javax.* packages into CATALINA_HOME/commons/lib
Thanks in Advance,
Shankar Shanmugam

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