Actually I am using Soap implementation 2.3.1.
I just want to try my luck here with AXIS.
I need to resolve the problem as soon as possible, so please
accept my apology for sending this email to axis user list.

I got the following error message from the server:
Caught SOAPException (SOAP-ENV:Client): Parsing error, response was:
An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1) was found in the element content of

The service have several methods, logon(), openFolder(), search(), and
logon(), openFolder(), search() exchange regular types (String, etc.).
but getdoc() returns an image (byte[]) as class member. The jpeg image I got
is correct
as I can show it with browser.

Intersting thing is once I call the gedoc(), I get this error if I call
But I can call openFolder(). So I guess that the search() method might have
Here is the JavaBean that are used to call search() methods:

I appreciate any suggestions from you.



package com.symcor.od.common.soap.message;

import java.util.*;

 * <p>Title: </p>
 * <p>Description: this class represents a search criteria where its name is
 * criterion value where its search value will be given by an application
user. </p>
 * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p>
 * <p>Company: </p>
 * @author unascribed
 * @version 1.0

public final class Criterion implements java.lang.Cloneable, {

     public final static int OPEQUAL = 1;
     public final static int OPBETWEEN = OPEQUAL + 1;

     public final static int TYPE_LIST = OPBETWEEN + 1;
     public final static int TYPE_NON_LIST = TYPE_LIST + 1;
     public final static String VALUE_LIST_ALL = "** All **";

     // Fields
      private String name;
      private int searchOp;

      /** currently unused. If used, they need to be converted to Criterion
operand constants. */
      // private int[] validOps;
      private int type;  // seems that char type is not supported by
                         // perhaps that char type is not supported by XML
      private String[] fixedValues;
      private String[] defaultValues; // default values set by the
administrator, equal to ODCriterion.getValues().
      private String[] searchValues;

      public static final String KEYWORD_IS_REQUIRED = "Required";

      // Constructors
      public Criterion(String name)
      { = name;

      public Criterion()

       // Methods
      public String getName() { return name; };
      public void setName (String name) { = name; };

      public int getOperand() { return searchOp; };
      public void setOperand(int searchOp)  { this.searchOp = searchOp; };

      public int getType() {return type; };
      public void setType(int type) {this.type = type;};

      public String[] getFixedValues() {return fixedValues; };
      public void setFixedValues(String[] fixedValues) {this.fixedValues =
fixedValues; };

      public String[] getSearchValues() {return this.searchValues; };
      public void setSearchValues(String[] searchValues) {this.searchValues
= searchValues; };

      // default values;
      public String[] getDefaultValues() { return defaultValues; };
      public void setDefaultValues(String[] defaultValues)
{this.defaultValues = defaultValues;};


     public Object clone () {
        try {
            return super.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new java.lang.Error ("JVM error, check up your JVM
version." );

     public static void main (String[] args) {

        Criterion c1 = new Criterion("Processing Date [YYYY-MM-DD)

        c1.setDefaultValues(new String[] {"default 000", "default 111"});
        c1.setFixedValues(new String[] {"fixed 000", "fixed 111"});
        c1.setSearchValues(new String[] {"search 000"});
        Vector v = new Vector();
        Criterion c2 = (Criterion)c1.clone();
        c2.setName("c two");


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