I vaguely recall some bug that could cause this with a particular
version of IE.  You might try looking around on the Orion Server lists,
as I'm sure that I saw the issue posted there.  (ie, there was some
strange cases where the browser would hit a page twice).

I'm sorry that I can't give more details, but I really don't remember
the specifics.


On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 13:44, Maciejewski, Vincent (GMI - NY SWAPS)
> Hello everyone,
> We've run into a strange problem. We have an HTML application running on Tomcat that 
>calls an axis server running on the same Tomcat server. There is one jsp that takes 
>about two-three minutes to run.
> The weird thing is that the request to axis appears to be resubmitted before the 
>computation is finished causing an infinite loop. It almost looks like the JSP is 
>restarted. We thought we have short
> time out settings somewhere but we looked everywhere and cant find anything. Has 
>anyone seen this strange behavior before?
> Vincent

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