
I'm using 1.0 to generate the Stub Code for the Client classes, 1.1beta
for using it at the server and at the client.
With TCPMon I've seen, that german umlauts inside a serialized
XML-String (who is been sended as a string to the remote method) are
encoded like  & # 2 5 2 ; (without spaces).
If I'm looking inside the Database, I've seen, that this umlaut wasn't
been correct deserialized and wrong saved inside the Database.
On the server I'm using Axis 1.1beta with an deployed WSDD file,
accessing Stateless Session Beans.
It is a little bit amaizing, if I change the values in the database, I
will get the correct umlaut on the client.
I think, it could be a problem, that the stub-code was created using the
1.0 version of axis - but as mentioned by me earlier on another posting
today, the 1.1 version creates instead of "SessionBeanName" classes
named like "SessionBeanName_Port".
Does anybody has a suggesion for this problem ?



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