At 9:49 AM -0800 12/18/02, Steve Loughran wrote:
> I'm guessing this is an issue in

There is certainly something going awry with whatever is putting the data on
the wire.

Anybody have a clue, or seen this before?
no. Where is the data coming from? How are zero bytes getting onto the ends
of strings? Are they coming from a database or something?

I suspect that the 00 is getting into the strings from some external source,
and because java can have nulls in strings (its not the terminator), it is
getting put on the wire.
The strings come from parsing ID3 tags in MP3 files. Perhaps these are zero terminated?
I'll convert one to a byte array and look at it in that form to see what I can see.

Still, even if the source strings are zero terminated, the serializer should not
allow 0x0 characters onto the wire. muy no goodo!


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