There isn't an architected way of doing this with the AXIS provider yet. I
think there needs to be one and I am working on this, I'll let you know
when something is available.

In the meantime if you know you are using the WSIF AXIS provider you can
get the AXIS call object and then its TypeMapping registery by casting the
WSIFPort to the AXIS provider port instance and using the public getCall
method. For example:

        WSIFPort port = service.getPort();
        WSIFPort_ApacheAxis axisPort = (WSIFPort_ApacheAxis) port;
        Call call = axisPort.getCall();
        TypeMapping tm = call.getTypeMapping();

You can then use the register method on the TypeMapping to setup your own


Anthony Elder
Web Services Development
IBM UK Laboratories,  Hursley Park
(+44) 01962 818320, x248320, MP208.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/01/2003 23:42:49

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:    Re: [wsif] zip2geo sample questions

Thanks, Anthony, for the excellent response.  I upgraded to WSIF 2.0_RC and
am now past my previous hurdle.  Question though regarding dynamically
registering a (de)serializer with WSIF, specifically for ApacheAxis.  With
Apache SOAP I was able to do it quite easily.  With the Axis implementation
I have not yet found a means of doing this.  My attempts have been by using
the TypeMappingRegistry from the WSIF level.  Those do not seem to work.
However, if I modify the code in in the same
area where the BeanSerializer is registered, I have success.  I would
rather not have to add  code at that level if possible.

Any recommendations will be appreciated.



                    Elder"               To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    <ant.elder@uk.       cc:
          >             Subject:     Re: [wsif] zip2geo
                    sample questions

                    04:31 AM
                    Please respond
                    to axis-user

Here's a brief description of the way the WSIF AXIS provider currently
works with document style operations. I'll try to write this up in more
detail and put it in the doc directory shortly.

The complexsoap sample using the zip2geo service is what as known as a
wrapped document literal style service. This is the default way .Net does
things. Its a little more complicated to explain than an rpc/encoded style
operation so perhaps not the most simple example for WSIF to be using to
demonstrate complex types.

WSIF has a testcase for this which demonstrates all the possible ways of
invoking the operation, so I'll use that to explain.

Using the zipCode testcase as an example, see the testcase source at:*checkout*/xml-axis-wsif/java/test/docStyle/

and the WSDL it uses at:*checkout*/xml-axis-wsif/java/test/docStyle/wsifservice/zipCode.wsdl

The above WSDL defines an operation called ShortZipCode:

    <operation name="ShortZipCode">
      <input message="s0:ShortZipCodeSoapIn" />
      <output message="s0:ShortZipCodeSoapOut" />

The input message looks like:

  <message name="ShortZipCodeSoapIn">
    <part name="parameters" element="s0:ShortZipCode" />

and ShortZipCode is defined in schema as:

      <s:element name="ShortZipCode">
            <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="accessCode"
nillable="true" type="s:string" />
            <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="address" nillable
="true" type="s:string" />
            <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="city" nillable
="true" type="s:string" />
            <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="state" nillable
="true" type="s:string" />

WSIF provides a number of ways of invoking this ShortZipCode operation:

      - with the input WSIFMessage having a single part named 'parameters'
with a value being a complex type bean with getters/setters for the
accessCode, address, city, and state Strings.
      - with the input WSIFMessage having 4 parts named 'accessCode',
'address', 'city', and 'state', each having a value of type String
      - with the input WSIFMessage having a single part named 'parameters'
with a value being a DOM Element object

The testcase referenced above has methods for each of these -
doitDynWrapped, doitStubWrapped, doitDyn, doitStub, and doitMessaging, see
the source for more details..

This is the way the current WSIF 2.0 AXIS provider code works, its quite
different from the version 1.2 code and from the WSIF Apache SOAP provider
doc style support. It has some known bugs and wrinkles yet to be resolved
and is being actively worked on and tested over the next couple of weeks,
after which it should be much more robust. Try it out and let me know of
any bugs, issues, or features you'd like.


Anthony Elder
Web Services Development
IBM UK Laboratories,  Hursley Park
(+44) 01962 818320, x248320, MP208.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/01/2003 22:17:31

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:    Re: [wsif]  zip2geo sample questions

Hi Nirmal,

Thanks for the quick response.  I wanted to try a few things before I
responded, and have now had time to do that.

Essentially I am doing what you described with your code, except I am not
using DOMs, but rather our code is structured so that all complex types get
associated with a single dynamic serializer/deserializer.  This works fine
with rpc-style, and I don't see any reason it shouldn't work for

Anyway, after I setObjectPart("parameters", value); and invoke the
operation, WSIF returns the following error:

 Exception executing request: Error executing WSIF request: part zipcode,
not found in input message

...and from the looks of the WSIF code, the convenience method actual
changes the internal storage of a message to contain zipcode and licenseKey
verus the original "parameters" part, thus demanding that those parts be

I am not running the 2_0 RC code but the 1.2 code.



                    Nirmal Mukhi
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    .com>                cc:
                                         Subject:     Re: [wsif]  zip2geo
                    sample questions
                    11:53 AM
                    Please respond
                    to axis-user


Some bugs in my previous source code listing; here's the fixed version:

        // create the input, output and fault messages associated with this
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        // at this point if you want to read the XML data from a file you
        // do something like
        //                Document doc = db.parse (new InputSource (new
        Document document = db.newDocument();
        // create element according to what is reqd by service, as
specified in WSDL
        Element topLevel = document.createElementNS("
        Element zip = document.createElement("zipcode");
        Text zipValue = document.createTextNode(args[1]);
        Element license = document.createElement("LicenseKey");
        Text licenseValue = document.createTextNode("");
        WSIFMessage input = operation.createInputMessage();
        WSIFMessage output = operation.createOutputMessage();
        WSIFMessage fault = operation.createFaultMessage();

        // populate the input message
        // do the invocation
        if (operation.executeRequestResponseOperation(input, output,
fault)) {
            // invocation succeeded, extract information from output
            // message
            Element retValue = (Element) output.getObjectPart
            System.out.println("Got return value "+retValue);


                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    01/08/2003 11:47 AM                 cc:
    Please respond to axis-user         Subject:        [wsif]  zip2geo
                                sample questions

In the WSDL for the Zip2Geo sample, the Message "GetLatLongSoapIn" contains
a single part of "parameters" which references the element "GetLatLong"
The sample code that invokes an operation using this message, the schema is
unwrapped and two input parts are being set vs. the single part that is
specified in the WSDL document.  Also, this appears to be the case only
when style="document" and use="literal".  Does anyone know the reasoning
behind this, i.e., the unwrapping of the element reference?  Also, what
happens is the element references a sufficiently complexType whereby the
complexType is several layers deep and primitive types exist at each level?
Is a input part then required for each of those primitives?

Thanks much.

Rhett DeWall
Sybase Inc.
3665 Discovery Drive
Boulder, CO  80303

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