Hi All,

I have a bit of a newbie question in relation to web services:

Do SOAP-based web services support the concept of state and persistence? That is, can I easily create a web service where state is preserved between invocations?

For example, can I create a "bank account" web service, which supports deposit(), withdrawl() and getBalance() operations, and have that web service preserve the current account balance between separate invocations?

I imagine that I could achieve this with web services by using an external persistence component, eg an EJB, or a JDBC call to a database. What I want to know is whether I can preserve state internally (inside a web service component) by simply declaring an instance variable appopriately (e.g. "static" - though this might not be the right approach).

On the other hand, is my only "stateful web service" option to use an external persistence layer (JDBC or EJB?)


David Peterson

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