>Use POST?

I *am* using POST when I do the actual transaction.

When I calculate the MD5 hash of the authentication info, I have to pass
in "GET" to my hashing function or Tomcat rejects the results.  Believe
me-- I tried, and I just get back an endless stream of non-helpful 401
replies, each with a new nonce.  :-(


>On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 14:51, Roy Wood wrote:
>> I don't know if this is more of a TomCat problem or an Axis problem, but
>> here goes.
>> I've set up TomCat to do digest authentication for my Axis service, and
>> that is working fine.  For example, if I protect all of the axis realm,
>> then I need to supply a userid and password to even see axis/index.html
>> or axis/happyaxis.jsp, and it works fine.
>> Unfortunately, when I try to access my actual service, I get the
>> following response:
>>      <h1>RoysSOAPService</h1>
>>      <p>Hi there, this is an AXIS service!</p>
>>      <i>Perhaps there will be a form for invoking the service here...</i>
>> With authentication disabled, everything is perfect.  It's just when I
>> enable authentication that I am prevented from accessing the service.
>> I am calling this from a non-Java client, and am actually building the
>> headers by hand (don't ask-- it's a legacy product), and am thus very
>> aware of everything going on during the transaction.  With
>> digest-authentication enabled, I know that I get an initial 401 response
>> from Tomcat, to which I reply with all the proper stuff in the
>> "Authorization:" header line of the subsequent request I send.
>> One thing I notice is that if I use "PUT" as the HTTP method when I am
>> calculating the MD5 hash response, Tomcat refuses to authenticate me.
>> If, however, I use "GET" as my HTTP method when calculating the hash,
>> Tomcat accepts the results.  Note that in both cases, I really am doing
>> an HTTP "PUT" in order to call the SOAP service!
>> I suspect that the abovementioned oddity is the source of the problem,
>> since the response get from Axis looks like a default response to a GET
>> request.
>> Anyone have any bright ideas?
>> -Roy
>> "Disclaimer ­ The opinions expressed in this message are strictly
>> personal and do not necessarily reflect those of FiLogix."

"Disclaimer ­ The opinions expressed in this message are strictly
personal and do not necessarily reflect those of FiLogix."

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