It appears there are hard coded values for this speckled in various places throughout
the source, and the default seems to be 16K
(ManagedMemoryDataSource.MAX_MEMORY_DISK_CACHED). This definitely seems like
something that should be configurable.
It would be quick and easy to enable a JVM-wide setting for this, by adding a static
getter/setter in the ManagedMemoryDataSource class and setting the value when an
engine's <globalConfiguration> is read. However, a better solution would be to allow
the default to be set on a per-engine or per-service basis. Please feel free to try
this out and submit a patch.
(essentially at some point someone creates one of these things in the context of an
engine invocation. That means a MessageContext is active, which means properties are
available. The "attachments.MaxBytesBeforeCaching" property (or whatever) could be
used, if present, to set the field rather than the default or hard coded values)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eiji Yoshida [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:31 PM
> Subject: attachment temporary files
> Hi, everyone
> I have a question about attachment temporary files.
> When SOAP message wtih attachment is sent, Axis
> generates the attachment files into
> %TOMCAT_HOME%\axis\WEB-INF\attachments directory
> according to attachment size.
> If the size of attachment exceeds 1024B, its temporary file
> is generated.
> I'd like to change the limitation of attachment size which
> is threshold of generating temporary files.
> To change the limitation, I must modify axis source code?
> (ref.,
> Or do anyone know the other solution?
> Thanks in advance,
> ------
> Yoshi