Title: Clarification on Service Styles - RPC, Document, Wrapped and Message


I have some questions about the 4 service styles supported by Axis, i.e. RPC, Document, Wrapped and Message. I hope someone can answer these for me.

1) WSDL 1.1 talks about two SOAP binding styles: "rpc" and "document". How do these map to the 4 Axis service styles?

2) It appears that Axis service styles Document, Wrapped and Message all map to WSDL "document" style. So given a WSDL specifying the document style, how does axis figure out if it is Document, Wrapped or Message? Are there any interop concerns when choosing one of these styles?

For the next four questions, assume that I want to create a (WSDL) document-style Web Service for the following Java interface:

public interface UserProvider extends java.rmi.Remote {
    public UserId createUser(User user)
        throws RemoteException;

3) How do I decide between Axis Document, Wrapped and Message styles?

4) For the Axis Message style, how does the server share the schema of the body element with the client?

5) For the Axis Message style, assuming that the server and the client can share the same schema, are we free of SOAP serialization limitations, such as Java Lists and Maps? I say this because we are free to express XML to Java mappings anyway we want in our schema.

6) Can Java2WSDL convert the interface shown above to a WSDL directly? I was successful in doing this for RPC and WRAPPED style, but failed when I tried DOCUMENT and MESSAGE style. Do the latter styles expect the interface to be defined differently?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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