Hi Patrick,

Being a WSIF developer I'm obviously a little biased, but if the choice is
primarily going to be on which is easiest I'd say go with WSIF.

The differences between AXIS and WSIF regarding ease of use are fairly
minor, you can use the classes and WSDL generated by WSDL2Java with both
AXIS and WSIF and once you understand how to use SOAP with either AXIS or
WSIF, then using the other is not so different.

Why I'd say go with WSIF is that it offers benefits that AXIS does not. It
allows you to change the WSDL binding the client uses so as to use
something other than SOAP, for example JMS or EJB, and this doesn't require
your client program to be rewritten. Even if you're sure your client will
only ever want to use SOAP what if you one day want to change the SOAP API
to be something other than AXIS? With WSIF you don't need to make any
changes to you client, just drop a new WSIF provider jar into the classpath
and you're client is using the new SOAP package.


Anthony Elder
Web Services Development
IBM UK Laboratories,  Hursley Park
(+44) 01962 818320, x248320, MP208.

"BLIS Webmaster (Patrick Houbaux)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
12/02/2003 17:50:21

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:    Re: WSIF vs WSDL2Java question

Hi Anthony,

Thank you ... it answers to the question I asked but I actually wanted
to know more about WSIF before I go deeper into the documentation.
I haven't experiment this technology yet and it sounds interesting ... I
will have a look more seriously.

I had an other answer to my question that says that I can do it also
with the stub generated by WSDL2Java ... what I would want to know now
is which one is easier to use ... in other word do I need to learn WSIF
for achieving what I need to do?


Anthony Elder wrote:

>Hi Patrick,
>I think what you're asking is can your client using WSIF use multiple
>The answer is yes thats exactly the type of thing WSIF is for. If you look
>at say the WSIFstockquote testcase WSDL:

>At the bottom in the service section you'll see a port defined called
><port name="SOAPPort" binding="tns:SOAPHttpBinding">
>   <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter"/>
>The soap:address location attribute defines the service server url. You
>add more port definitions with different location attributes, for example:
><port name="SOAPPort2" binding="tns:SOAPHttpBinding">
>   <soap:address location="http://xyz.com:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter"/>
>Now, if you look in the testcase that uses this WSDL at;

>in the doit method the line:
>StockquotePT stub =
>   (StockquotePT) service.getStub(portName, StockquotePT.class);
>the portName variable is what tells WSIF which port to use. In your client
>you could use portName = "SOAPPort" or "SOAPPort2" depending on which
>server you want to access.
>Hope that helps and let me know if that wasn't what you question was.
>       ...ant
>Anthony Elder
>Web Services Development
>IBM UK Laboratories,  Hursley Park
>(+44) 01962 818320, x248320, MP208.
>"BLIS Webmaster (Patrick Houbaux)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on
>12/02/2003 16:24:25
>Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject:    WSIF vs WSDL2Java question
>Hi all,
>I'm still quite a newbie to everything concerning web services and I
>would like somebody's opinion on something I'm wondering.
>I want to write a client that should access to a web service defined
>through WSDL that is hosted physically on several servers.
>I have made some experimentation with AXIS and specially with WSDL2Java
>that works fine to access to one server and actually writting a client
>with that solution is very simple ... I like that ;)
>As fas as I understand, the stub generated with WSDL2Java is specific to
>only one server URL (or port if you call it like this).
>My question is,  is WSIF what I need for the objective I have? Is it as
>simple as WSDL2Java to write a client?
>Any other solution?
>I hope my explaination was clear enough.

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