Hi again!

One more question related to FAULTS (again), but quite specific this
time! From my previous question in the mailing list I managed to solve
some theoritical problems about the notion of FAULTS (thank you Brian
Erwins)! Well here is my case!
In my service I use AXIS faults as part of my businnes logic! I mean
that if there is a logic error in my method to be invoked I decide to
throw an axis error and write a custom message to be delivered to the
client! Yes it works fine , the client receives a SOAP Fault and prints
out the (logical) reason that the invocation failed! BUT I have a small
problem , when I throw a Axis Error in my service , TOMCAT in its screen
prints the statck trace of the error (exception) .I wanted to make a
demo of my service but I think if my tutor see the tomcat screen
printing several stack traces because of some AXIS faults that I throw
intentionaly in my code , he is going to believe that I am doing
something wrong!

Is there a way of doing something better? How can I stil send the FAULT
to the client but then TOMCAT not to print the stack trace? Please if I
am missing something let me know!

Thank you very much for your time!

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