Im trying to secure axis webservices using apache httpd/mod_jk/tomcat
The thing is I do only want to make axis services selectively available 
to the outside world...

  <IfModule mod_jk.c> 
        JkMount /axispub/* ajp13
  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> 
    RewriteEngine       on
    RewriteRule         ^/axispub(.*)   /                                       [F,L]
    RewriteRule         ^/ws/(.*)       /axispub/services/tst.$1        [PT]

It works but:
  when I invoke 
  I get the following wsdl
        <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=
                "https://host.xy.z/axispub/services/tst.DomainService"; ...

So it seems that tomcat/axis gets the rewritten URL instead of the original URL.
Does anyone know, If I can make it work so that I get:
        <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=
                "https://host.xy.z/ws/DomainService"; ...

in the wsdl definition?

- Jurgen

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