I've used toArray() numerous times in my service code and had no problem with
that. Obviously, Jim (the fellow who started this thread) doesn't have the
luxury of coding that manually.

My point, to be more precise, is that JAX-RPC 1.0 says nothing about java.util
collections classes/interfaces. Of course, Axis doesn't compromise its
compliance with the JAX-RPC spec by providing functionality that extends the
spec, but as a developer I am reluctant to use that extended functionality.
Personally, I would prefer to see collections explicitly disallowed (Java2WSDL
would throw an exception), so developers don't step in something they didn't
see. But if collections are allowed, I would like to see that clearly

Naturally, if I would like to see something, I am free to produce it myself.
But that goes back to my question: how does Axis 1.1 RC2 support java.util
collections besides Java2WSDL's just blindly producing a generic Array complex
type? The most I've read on this subject is a cryptic mention of the
"--extraClasses" argument to Java2WSDL.

Concerning "there is meant to be something in soap where you do say you are
returning an Object and the type is passed in the envelope at run time." I
don't understand how passing a type name in the SOAP envelope helps since the
SOAP engine can dynamically build the SOAP message at request time anyway, and
the SOAP engine still must fill in the XML Schema type's elements
corresponding to the dynamically identified class' fields.

Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mitch Gitman wrote:
> I'm still wondering about the apparent existing support for java.util.List
> the like. It seems to me that Java2WSDL should generate an exception when
> comes across a collection class that stores java.lang.Object instances.

That is one thing wrong with collections; you cannot state in advance 
their type, and the thing at the far end cannot deal with arbitrary java 

If you go
  return (Foo)list.toArray(new Foo[0]);
You can turn a list to an array in a snap. A fromArray() would be nice 
to match it.

However, there is meant to be something in soap where you do say you are 
returning an Object and the type is passed in the envelope at run time. 
I dont know the exact details...

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