Try Wingfoot SOAP -- free for commercial use.
I've been told that IONA XMLBus also supports applets.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Barber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 5:02 AM
> Subject: Re: has anyone ever build a lightweight client with axis ?
> Richard De Falco wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  
> > I'm wondering if axis was intended to be used from an applet or a java 
> > web start enabled application. I'm wondering this because the size of 
> > jar files is prohibitive. I've seen some posts on this subject but 
> > can't find any information on how to build such a lightweight client 
> > jar (if that works). Are they any plans to support this in the 
> > standard distrib ? Any workaround to deploy an application without MBs 
> > of jar just for calling a web services ? May be another lightweight 
> > client can do the job ?
> >  
> > Any Infos appreciated,
> >  
> > Richard
> Well, I'm doing just that, a web start app using Axis.  Started with 
> Glue but it didn't work through web start as it reads config files from 
> the local hard disk, and doesn't seem to read them from JARs.  At the 
> moment the complete app is about 5Mb due to extra unoptimised JARs, but 
> imho this is not a problem.
> BTW, you can seed the client PCs with the app if you can supply a CD.  
> There are several articles on-line about preloading JARs into the 
> webstart cache on client machines.
> I haven't checked yet, but is Axis supplied built with debug info ?  If 
> so, rebuilding with debugging turned off may help.
> Jon.

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