Hello All,
I have some very basic Questions as:-
1)Why do we need WSDL file?--> if we want to deploy service we do it by wsdd
2)Why there is need of WSDL2Java tool?--->> just to have interface and
binding stub java files.Why is the need of stub files as while deploying
services we just need wsdd and nothing else at client side.
3) Can we deploy service with just wsdl file without wsdd?

I know WSDL is language about web service but don't know its importance.
Mainly I couldn't able to realise the use of wsdl file. Can any body make me
clear of whole thing..
I have gone through user guide provided by Axis but couldn't able to feel
the utilization of wsdl file..
I might be asking silly questions but I want it to be clear about it.

Please donot laugh at me after seeing these questions.....waiting for reply


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