Title: Re: HELP: <wsdl:service> in wsdl is not the same as <service> tag in wsdd


thanks for your suggestion! Turns out that setting serviceElementName has been commentetd out in JavaProvider.java. Instead, you need to use alias:

From JavaProvider.java (~line 441)

            // This seems like a good idea, but in fact isn't because the
            // emitter will figure out a reasonable name (<classname>Service)
            // for the WSDL service element name.  We provide the 'alias'
            // setting to explicitly set this name. See bug 13262 for more info.

            // service alias may be provided if exact naming is required,
            // otherwise Axis will name it according to the implementing class name
            String alias = (String)service.getOption("alias");
            if(alias != null) emitter.setServiceElementName(alias);

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