Title: HELP: Modify Message Body in Handler

I have been trying to modify the content of the message body in one of my handlers before the message reaches the actual web service. I have read through a number of message from the mailing list, and tried just about everything I can think of. But my message body is unchanged after leaving my handler. Below is my current code. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    public void invoke(MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault {
            // Retrieve the soap body out of the message
            Message message = msgContext.getRequestMessage();
            org.apache.axis.message.SOAPEnvelope se = message.getSOAPEnvelope();
            org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBody sb = (org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBody)se.getBody();

            // Generic test
            MessageElement mElement = new MessageElement("","body_test");
            mElement.addTextNode("body test");
            System.out.println("handler 1 = " + sb.toString());

The final println statement shows the exact message I started off with, without my changes.


Tripper McCarthy

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