
Why are you trying to send/receive Array of objects in the Document/literal
style in the first place. Have you thought about what would an
java.lang.Array or a java.lang.Object mean to a non-java client?

If you want to use Document/literal for interop reason, then consider using
elements instead of complextypes in the WSDL. Also with elements you can
define max and min Occur properties in the Schema, which is much more
elegant than what you are trying to achieve.

I do not know the background of what you want to do, but above statements
should definitely help you.



-----Original Message-----
From: Balaji D L [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 11:16 AM
Subject: Object array And Document literal - 

  Have any one tried to create a webservice which
returns an array of objects in document/literal style.
  I'm able to do it with RPC style, but with
document/literal style I'm getting the below exception
when I try to consume the service 
 Referenced type
valid only for encoded SOAP.
 The generated WSDL is still using soapenc:arrayType
for encoding the arrays, which i think shoudn't be
right for a document/literal based service.
 Could someone please help me to solvet this problem ?

thank you.
Balaji - Yahoo! Mobile
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