I have run up against the very same bug.  It appears that WSDL2Java can no longer 
handle arrays of complex types, as of v1.1!  In Axis v1.0, this worked properly.

I have filed a bug report with details (and a reference to this message below) at:

This essentially slammed our project to a halt, as we have WSDL2Java in the build 
process, and our application no longer works, so we're considering downgrading back to 
1.0... Ack.

Dan Kamins

> Attached is the java file generated by WSDL2Java.
> Notice the private member declared as xsd1.DoubleAtt[] and the meta declares it
> as DoubleAtt. In my WSDL file I define OutageResource as follows:
> <xsd:complexType name="OutageResouce">
>    <xsd:sequence>
>       <xsd:element maxOccurs="1"
>                    minOccurs="0"
>                    name="value"
>                    type="xsd1:ArrayOf_DoubleAtt"/>
>    </xsd:sequence>
> </xsd:complexType>
> I expect the meta data to reference "ArrayOf_DoubleAtt" not "Double_Att".
> Is this a bug?

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