By DEFAULT does not .NET/WSE based SOAP client send Doc/Lit request
in bare format rather than wrapped format.
Wrapped format is being discouraged and probably nopt very well documented
by Microsoft.
Shouldn't .NET developers and AXIS applications that interface with .NET NOT use wrapped format since it is not compliant with WS-I??

Eric Rajkovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

With .Net, there are two flavors of document/literal requests you can generate. Once you
have genereted the web reference, you can look at the generated code
(Web Reference\com.travelnow.test\Reference.cs) to figure out which style is in use.

Look at the value for the ParameterStyle attribute (last parameter of System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute()).

It could be either System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Bare or

In addition to your two examples, you have the following option for wire format.


Without to see the WSDL generated in you case, it's hard to tell if your service is expected
to get a wrapper with the operation name, is relying on the SOAPAction header attribute
to perform the message dispatching or can dispatch messages based on the QName of the first
element inside the .


Cory Wilkerson wrote:

> Sorry, premature send...that should read "com.travelnow.test" down there and not "com.corywilkerson...". Still an issue here -- just a typo when composing the email.
> ----------------
> Using 1.1 final, I've implemented a VERY rudimentary doc/literal service for the sake of testing doc/literal services. The following fails with a .NET client -- but, if I remove the style/use attributes -- the service executes without issue. This serivce does *not* throw a subclass of exception (which was an issue with an earlier doc/literal approach of mine) -- can anyone explain why this service isn't being invoked?
> ---------------------------
> service implementation
> ---------------------------
> package com.corywilkerson.test;
> public class SomeService {
> public int addNumbers(int x, int y) {
> return x + y;
> }
> }
> -------------------------
> server-config.wsdd entry
> -------------------------

> -------------------------
> .NET client SOAPMessage via currentMessage/getSOAPPartAsString
> -------------------------
> *******
> *******
> > xmlns:xsi=""
> xmlns:xsd="">
> 5
> 2


> *******
> *******
> > xmlns:soapenc=""
> xmlns:tns=""
> xmlns:types=""
> xmlns:xsi=""
> xmlns:xsd="">
> 5
> 2




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