Hello group.
  Quick questions.

1. Main question

  I have service SvcA (multiple instances, deployed upon server startup).
When operation login(String user) of the service is called a new workhorse
service of type SvcB should be exported/deployed.
  When method logoff(String user) of SvcA is called with the same user name
the SvcB that was deployed for this session should be Undeployed

  How to do that?

2. Secondary question.
  I want to start an AxisServer (Axis servlet on Tomcat x.y.z). However I
want to have a specific number/kind of services instantiated. i.e. any
services instantiated in the previous server session should be forgotten
(starting from scratch every time).
  I happened to see, that in the simpliest install case when a service is
deployed it is redeployed upon restart. I don't want to have that.
  Is it possible(my guess is YES), and how to do that?

P.S. I'm quite new to AXIS (although I have been on the mailing list since
September 2002), and due to heavy weight of the mailing list I may have lost
the sight of answers to my questions. Please don't shoot me with things like
RTFM, or search the archives.


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