When using rpc/encoded, both the request and the response messages must be formatted as a struct -- essentially a single wrapper element that is the only child of the SOAP body.

The name of the request message wrapper element is equal to the operation name. The subelements in the request wrapper element include the input parameters.
The name of the response message wrapper element is not significant. The subelements in the response wrapper element include the return value and any output parameters.

According to the SOAP 1.1 spec, when using doc/literal, the request and response messages may contain multiple child elements of the SOAP body, but results may be very unpredictable if you do so. The WS-I Basic Profile requires that the request and response messages contain only one child element in the SOAP body.


At 06:47 AM 9/26/2003 -0700, you wrote:
After seeing some of the public web services(or read somewhere on the net), with rpc style, i was under the assumption that all rpc style responses will have a 'return' node under the <soapenv:Body> but when used some of the axis samples it looks the node name can be anything defined on the wsdl.

But let me clarify this: can an rpc style response can have multiple nodes directly soap body?

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