I have a very simple web service that echos back the xml given that
looks like this:

public class MessageService 
    public Document echoDocument(Document doc) throws Exception 
      return doc;

On the client I have the various methods setup to retrieve the result
vector and print out the document.

So far so good. 

Now when I try to add an attachment from the server the result vector on
the client is empty. Using TCPMonitor I can see that the mime message is
coming through just fine. A perl client using SOAP::Lite is able to see
the data too.

public class MessageService 
    public Document echoDocument(Document doc) throws Exception 
      DataSource ds = new FileDataSource("/tmp/msg.pdf");
      AttachmentPart att = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(ds));
      Message msg =

      return doc;

Has anyone written an axis client for a document style service that can
handle an attachment?


For completeness here is the MessageClient:

public class MessageClient 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
      DocumentBuilder builder =
      Document doc = builder.parse(args[0]);

      System.out.println("sending " + XMLUtils.DocumentToString(doc));

      Service  service = new Service();
      Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
      String endpoint =
      call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL(endpoint));
      call.setOperation(new QName(endpoint, "echoDocument"),

      Object ret = call.invoke(new Object[] {new
      Vector result = (Vector) call.invoke(new Object[] {new
      SOAPBodyElement sbe = (SOAPBodyElement) result.get(0);
      Document retDoc = sbe.getAsDocument();
      System.out.println("received " +

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