I'm trying to figure out exactly how to use the new writeSchema(Class cls,
Types types).  I already have an xsd document that is intended to be used in
other places, however all the examples I've been able to find so far relate
to creating the schema in code in the writeSchema method using the
Types.create* methods.  My attempts to read my xsd document and either
return the complexType element from it or add it using
Types.writeSchemaElement() result in an error message: "WSDLException:
faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Can't find prefix for
'http://alice.bankofamerica.com/schemas/bond'. Namespace prefixes must be
set on the Definition object using the addNamespace(...) method."  If I
remove the type mapping from my wsdd, I get a valid wsdl document back, but
it contains what looks to be a schema picked by axis, rather than mine.  I'd
rather avoid creating the schema in-line, as that seems to me to be harder
to read and potentially creates a maintenance problem, as the code and the
xsd need to be kept in sync.

I'm using the version of axis that was included inside Borland Enterprise
Server 5.2.1, which appears to be axis 1.1, not sure for certain if it is
final or a release candidate (although the Borland files are timestamped in
July, so hopefully it is final).  I've included my wsdd, my xsd (which may
or may not be considered a good one by experts) and my Serializer class.
Any advice on handling this situation would be great.  Thanks.

 <<server-config.wsdd>>  <<alicebond.xsd>>  <<IrpBondSerializer.java>> 

Robert West
Trading Research and Technology - GSP
Bank of America

Attachment: server-config.wsdd
Description: Binary data

Attachment: alicebond.xsd
Description: Binary data

Attachment: IrpBondSerializer.java
Description: Binary data

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