
I have a patch for this & for adding typeMapping elements to the ant tasks. I'm still working on getting wsdl2java to dump out custom type mapping info. Let me know the bug ID


Mike Klein wrote:

Besides the ant tasks missing some key parameters available in the commandline version of wsdl2java/java2wsdl (as I mentioned in an earlier post)...it appears wsdl2java IS missing support for classpath element...unlike java2wsdl which does have this element.

When using wsdl2java ant task and the "testcase=true" attribute (generates jUnit test case which needs filling in) it attempts to find jUnit on the classpath. Since this cannot be specified using Ant, it requires you have it in your OS environment.

Generally it's not a good idea to put anything in your default classpath (i.e. jre/lib/ext or classpath env var) as it screws too many things up...classpaths s/be set explicitly by the requiring application.

Below is an example of java2wsdl axis ant task which works with nested classpath element and wsdl2java task which doesn't:

<target depends="compile source" description="Generate wsdl" name="java2wsdl">
<!-- The below classname (actually intf) is used by wsdl2java to generate <Name>Service, and <Name>ServiceLocator classes.
It will also regenerate like-named interface, but with each method throwing RMIExceptions... -->
<!-- The service name at the end of the url specifies the className prefix for *SoapBinding{Impl|Stub}.java classes that are generated -->
classname="com.vxappliance.quotations.Quotations" namespace="urn:QuotationsService"

output="${build}/generated/QuotationsService.wsdl" bindingname="Quotations" serviceportname="QuotationsService">
<pathelement location="${build}/classes"/>

<target depends="java2wsdl" description="Generate server/client stubs, wsdd" name="wsdl2java">
<!-- Generate stubs/skeletons and deploy/undeploy wsdd -->
<axis-wsdl2java debug="true" verbose="true" output="${build}/generated" serverside="true" skeletondeploy="true"
url="${build}/generated/QuotationsService.wsdl" testcase="true">
<mapping namespace="urn:QuotationsService" package="com.vxappliance.quotations"/>

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