Actually it's wsdl2java that generates the correct wsdd files (with mappings), etc.

The only code you should have to handroll in web services deployment (at least for me so far...) is the underlying intf/impl that my soap service is calling. You shouldn't need to handcode wsdl, wsdd, xsd, or do any filling in of generated skeletons/impls. At least I don't based upon what I'm doing.

Based upon some ant magic in my build scripts (plus wsdl2java/java2wsdl ant tasks), my generated Skeleton is mated perfectly for calling into my existing implementation code. My jar'g task in ant copies some relevant .class files from my source tree, plus the Skeleton from generated path and deploys using generated wsdd. I can also then of course use additional java classes generated to do client-side testing of stubs, junit, etc.


Mike Klein wrote:

This is done for you when you use java2wsdl...notice the typeMapping entry (really an exploded beanMapping).

chris wrote:

Yes… you don’t have to write any code in order for Axis to pass objects conforming to the Java beans convention.

You do have to provide the serialization framework configuration information; Specifically, the Java class, corresponding XML QName, and appropriate serialization factory to use…..


-----Original Message-----
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 28, 2003 12:28 PM
*Subject:* Re: adding an element (a field in a bean) in a webservice without changing the stubs

Is it possible to pass javabeans as arguments from soap client to the soap
service without having to
code for custom serializers and de-serializers?

"Olivier Lamy" on 28 Oct 2003 12:14

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: "Axis-User"
Subject: adding an element (a field in a bean) in a webservice without
changing the stubs


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I have a webservices in a version.

In the next version, I want to add a field in bean which add an element in the soap.

If I don't generate again the stubs with the ant task, i get an exception :

[junit] org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in - hotelsFound
[junit] at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializer.onStartChild(Bean
[junit] at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContextImpl.startElemen
[junit] at org.apache.axis.message.SAX2EventRecorder.replay(SAX2EventRecor

I don't understand why ?

Because, the new field which was not in the scope of the first stubs, it should be ignored.

But it doesn't had to generate an exception ?

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