There was an interesting talk at JavaOne (yes I'm ashamed I went) that talked
about this.  The proposed idea was to catalog your services in a UDDI registry.
Use dynamic binding to query to UDDI registry for endpoints.  Then, as part of
a self-imposed standard, define String getVersion() for each port.  

A client can float a query to UDDI saying "tell me the endpoints for this
interface".  UDDI will return N results.  As a client you can then call to
each of the N results and invoke getVersion().  Of the N, M will be a version
your client knows how to interact with.  Invoke the first endpoint in M.  If
it fails, invoke the next.  And so on and so forth...

Not a bad idea...


On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 11:21:58PM +0200, BLIS Webmaster (Patrick Houbaux) wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does somebody has any good idea about the strategy to adopt for versioning 
> an API exposed as a webservice?
> My first idea is to add the version of the WSDL in the target namespace, 
> something like:
> but there might be a nicer solution for that.
> Can somebody provide any links to some documentations, discussions, etc ... 
> about this topic?
> Thanks.
> Patrick.

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