When writing a web service client, is there a way to set the type mappings using:
java.xml.rpc.Call or java.xml.rpc.Service

instead of using:
org.apache.axis.client.Call.registerTypeMapping(Class, QName, SerializerFactory, DeserializerFactory)

I've tried this:

TypeMapping mapping = registry.createTypeMapping();

  mapping.register(clazz, qname,
    new BeanSerializerFactory(clazz, qname),
    new BeanDeserializerFactory(clazz, qname));

  // What to use for encoding here?
  registry.register("", mapping);

But it doesn't seem to have an effect. I get the "no serializer" errors.

I've been able to get it to work in the first way that I mentioned, but I would like to keep my code non Axis-specific if possible. Any ideas?


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